Our Responsibility

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Corporate Citizenship

At Colexa, our journey is not just about innovation and manufacturing excellence, it’s about making a meaningful impact on individuals, industries, and societies. Through the Colexa project, we are actively driving positive change and embodying corporate citizenship in various ways.

 Job Creation and Economic Growth

Our commitment to employment stands strong. In just the first year, we have already provided nearly 700 jobs, with projections reaching close to 1000 by year-end. This unprecedented job creation extends beyond our walls, igniting opportunities for auxiliary services, such as printing and packaging, fostering a network of economic growth. Colexa’s influence reverberates across sectors. By establishing local production of essential components like cassettes and vials for our medical devices, we empower local suppliers, nurturing self-reliance, and indirect job creation.

 Academic Collaboration and Capacity Building

Collaboration with academia is pivotal to our ethos. Partnering with esteemed institutions like Olabisi Onabanjo University and Babcock University, we’re fostering a two-way exchange of knowledge and expertise. Through internships and youth service programs, graduates can enrich their skills while directly contributing to our industry.

 Industry Synergy

Our journey amplifies partnerships with pharmaceutical companies dedicated to diabetes and cardiometabolic care. With Colexa’s localized, high-quality products, collaborative ventures will flourish, advancing research, treatments, and overall patient care.

 Colexa Foundation for Community Impact

We are committed to giving back through the establishment of the Colexa Foundation. A percentage of sales will be allocated to initiatives dedicated to diabetes management and care. Our aspiration is to equip primary health centers with HbA1c machines, enhancing diabetes management at grassroots levels.

 Collaborative Advocacy

In partnership with the Diabetes Association of Nigeria (DAN), we aim to reshape diabetes care and advocacy. Through shared goals and initiatives, we envision a future where effective diabetes management is accessible to all, enriching lives and fostering healthier communities.

At Colexa, our corporate citizenship is not just a side pursuit, it’s a fundamental aspect of our identity. We are committed to reshaping industries, transforming communities, and championing a healthier, brighter tomorrow for all.

We bring more than 20 years’ senior experience forging collaborations across government, private sector and international forums.

Ilupeju, Lagos, Nigeria.